and People Pleasing
Do you feel like your needs aren't as important as everyone else's? Do you judge yourself or feel like you have to be perfect? Do you struggle in relationships and have a hard time expressing your emotions and needs? If you answered yes to these questions, you are not alone. Many people struggle to have a voice and make their needs a priority.
Other common experiences include:
Fear of failure
Sensitivity to criticism
Denial of personal problems
Excessive focus on the needs of others
Failure to meet personal needs
Discomfort with receiving attention or help from others
Feelings of guilt or responsibility for the suffering of others
Reluctance to share true thoughts or feelings for fear of displeasing others
Low self-esteem
Feelings of shame and helplessness
Self-worth based on care-taking
Feeling undeserving of happiness
Feelings of anxiety and sleep problems
With counseling, you can find your voice and develop a more clear sense of who you are and what you want. You can learn to express your feelings and needs in a clear, healthy way and find the peace and the relief that comes with discovering your authentic self. Read more about perfectionism.